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  • Shielded and semi-anechoic chamber up to 18 GHz.

- Dmensions: 8.20 m (length), 4.90 m (width), 5.50 m (height).

- Door dimensions: 2 m (width), 2.40 m (height).

- Turn table diameter: 2 m.

- Automatic mast for antenna movement.

 - Absorbing material: ferrite plates and cones.

- Anechoic frequency range: 30 MHz ¸ 18 GHz.

- Shielding frequency range: 10 kHz ¸ 18 GHz.


  • Equipments for radiated and conducted emission tests

- Spectrum analyzers and receivers (30 Hz - 26.4 GHz)

- Oscilloscopes and multimeters

- LISN (Line Impedance Stabilization Nets)

- Inductive probes

- Capacitive probes

- Antennas: loop, rod, biconic, log-periodic, bilog, horn (10 kHz - 40 GHz)

- Electromagnetic field probes (5 Hz - 40 GHz)


  • Equipments for radiated and conducted immunity tests

- Signal generators (0.01 Hz - 40 GHz)

- Power amplifiers (30 Hz - 40 GHz)

- Pulse generators: Burst, Surge, damped sinusoid, pulses.

- Inductive injection probes

- Capacitive injection probes

- Antennas: loop, square frame, bilog, horn (10 kHz - 40 GHz)

- Pulse Generators for Lightning indirect effects in the avionic domain

- Simulators NEMP, EMP and LEMP.


  • Equipments for electrostatic discharges

- ESD generators up to 25 kV


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